Sunday 25 February 2018


Why, hello there!
Hi. I'm Alex. I'm female. Always have been, though my friend's grandpa thinks I'm a boy. Because my friend said "Alex did a great job." and then her grandpa said that "Alex sounds like a lovely boy." 
He doesn't like me.
Anyway, you should follow me. And view my blog. Cause... yeah.
This is me.
Here are my top three of a whole lotta things:
Movies: Clueless, Grease, Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle
Shows: Riverdale, Friends, Pretty Little Liars
Youtubers: Lilly Singh, Alisha Marie, LaurDIY
Books: The Twilight Saga: 1, 3, and 4 (The second is literally ten pages of wanting Edward)
And, yeah, that's me!